Monday 12 December 2011

Empire Cover Creation Stages

Small tweaks and recently acquired knowledge of Adobe Photoshop has allowed us to make slight technical adjustments to the relationship between masthead and image. Empire is a well known film magazine and therefore we could establish a way of placing the image in the foreground of the cover rather than her head disappearing behind the text! This minor change made a drastic impact to the look and professionalism of the cover. This means big things for marketing and establishment for PARANOIA!

Outlining the masthead text also helped change the feel of the cover. It makes more of a bold statement when outlined in black at 4pt thickness. It also made it better for us to make a connection with our audience as its direct. This links to the connotations of the image as she has direct eye contact with the camera providing the audience with a personal interaction. 

After studying some existing Empire magazine covers, we took ideas and examples to collectively start our cover for PARANOIA. The image was initially the main focus as it had to represent our main character and also determine a pose that worked to emphasize the tag line - 'Pushing the boundaries of modern horror'. This image was the best from a wide selection that we'd taken and once applied it became apparent that this worked to our advantage. 

Monday 5 December 2011

Our first filming.

We had our first session of filming, on Wednesday 30th and over all it went really well, there were a few problems with, running out of time so we weren't able to get all of the footage. But we did start Kath's death and Ellie's death including make-up. And also some effective little snippets of footage to create tension throughout the trailer.
There was also a couple of problems with props, due to being no tent which was a major part in our trailer, and also having no laptop which is also featured, but we managed to carry on and complete the scenes that we were able to complete.

Paranoia! Makeup Test

This is our Make up test that we made into a small film clip. It shows our make up ideas and practicing cuts and bruising on hands and arms.