Monday 9 January 2012

First Edit

What We Did

With the footage so far, we put together a first cut of our trailer using iMovie on a Mac. We used pre-set effects and tweaked the brightness, contrast and saturation to make our images eerie. "Bleach Bypass" drained colour from the shots whilst using a warmer "Vignette"setting in a particular creepy shot gives our trailer elements of juxtaposition. Most of our shots are either sped up to match action with music or slowed down at particularly epic kill scenes which need to feel tense.

The music we added; "Conspiracy 60" is fairly suited to the feel of the trailer but in our opinions is not an ideal piece of music - it is not quite scary or eerie enough. In another cut of our video we will try out different pieces of music. The music also has been cut to stop at the knife scene, we wanted to make this scene stand out but the music's abrupt finish does not proffessionalise the video. A pre-uploaded sound effect "Police Car Siren Passing" is at the beginning of the trailer before the music starts. We used this as the first few seconds of footage are almost an epilogue - the aftermath of the horror which then flashbacks into the deaths themselves.

Clipping the footage was time consuming but easy to do on this program. Many of our shots were already effective; for example the strobe-lighted shot and the silhouette knife killing. We could have took simpler footage to then edit more into the desire effect, but having extra special footage in the beginning meant only a bit of colour and effects were needed to be tweaked. We used a variety of shot types and movements; establishing, close-up, medium-shot, extreme close-up, pan.


- Our knife and strobe shots were praised.
- Music was okay, however needs to be cut into the footage a bit neater.
- Transition from outside shot to running shot was excellent but the music starts a second too late.
- "Paranoia presents" would be better during the montage of killing shots rather than at the beginning.
- More footage will help us visualise the final trailer better.
- Need a trailer logo and company logo in the trailer.
- This trailer was only 33 seconds long (however we do not have all our footage yet)

What's Next

To improve our trailer we need to make it more professional and perfect the editing. We will take more footage showing off our shot knowledge by using a variety of shot types. For example; we could use a tilt or tracking.

The music search will begin again in the attempt to find a perfect piece. Of course, our trailer will naturally change a lot once we have a new beat and mood to follow by new music.

Keep tweaking colour and brightness effects to find the right look for the mood whilst still keeping a professional look.

Add in logo details.

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